I have wondered 100 times how our friends who do school at home can make it through the day cooped up in the living room instead of interacting for six hours with a class full of their peers. Well, I'm finding out.
Um..., it's called:
home school hike
home school swim
home school gym
home school field trips
home school park play dates
Then there's:
home school basketball
home school soccer
home school band
home school choir
home school art class
Oh, and:
Christian Youth Theater
home school day at the museum
home school day at LegoLand
home school day at Six Flags
And I almost forgot to even mention the home school co-op.
It's gotten to the point that I can't even open my e-mail everyday. I keep thinking, "When, exactly, are we supposed to do HOME SCHOOL?!"
I've pretty much been giving a blanket "no" to all of the opportunities that seem to be available.
But after three days, we are starting to get into a routine. And today the kids got done early enough to head to home school swim at our local park district for the afternoon.
I have to say that I'm amazed at how happy my children have been this week.
They have spent the warm afternoons playing outside with friends, riding bikes and going to the park. When they were in private school, they rarely had time for more than an hour of play time between getting home from school and starting homework.
They are so UNstressed. And, amazingly enough, so am I. I'm used to running. Juggling. Talking on my cell phone on the commute to and from school. Making dinner and rushing out of the house so I could go do something business-related.
Our whole life is just. so. calm.
I know this is NOT for everyone. In fact, I'm not even trying to recommend it! (Just to make my view point very CLEAR, I think that whatever school situation works for YOU, that is the BEST choice! And this is coming from someone who was planning to public school, then switched to private and now is trying something new.)
Doing school at home definitely takes discipline. It's not going to be nearly as fun when it's cold outside, and they can't spend the late afternoon hours on their bikes.
But we are taking it one day at time. And I think our whole family is starting to realize just how stressed we have been. How busy. How rushed. Surprisingly enough, this week has been, well,... fun!
P.S. Did you enter my drawing yet?!?! You still have time...
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Emily, I'm so happy to hear that the first week went so well. Makes me want a do-over with my kids!!! Keep on keepin' on!
Good for you & your kids Emily!!
Yeah for you! I LOVE the fact that we can set our own schedule! And you're right about all of the homeschool opportunities available. We could be gone every day of the week if we wanted to. I literally have to say 'no' to tons of things. All of them have value, but I need to prioritze with what are the 'best' things for our family. The other day I asked my boys what some of their favorite things about home schooling were. All of them mentioned when I read to them on a blanket outside and our afternoon walks in the neighborhood (before the public school lets out). That way it's just my boys and me.... it's great! Any you're also right about the winter. It CAN get long. Finding an open gym is great for burning off energy! Keep plugging along, Emily! Glad you're off to a great start! Sorry about such a long 'reply'. :)
OK, I forgot to mention another one of our favorites; going sledding in the winter when the snow is fresh and you can have the WHOLE sled hill to yourselves!! :)
We are doing the same thing this year. Our very first year of home school. School starts here on Sept 8th. (Late, I know.) So that is when we start. Which is good, because i have yet to gather everything. I'm pulling from very generous friends/family and then adding what I need. I think my favorite part will be not knowing what 6:30 am is like anymore.
One of my kids said recently, "Home school kids are either way advanced or way behind." Obviously yours are going to be the "ahead" ones!! Way to go.
Good confirmation that you're in the right place right now! Keep enjoying. And when it gets tough, come back and read this post again.
(Like this public school mom knows anything at ALL about it.)
Well said!
You are doing great!
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