All three of my children have birthdays in the fall and I have been overwhelmed trying to decide what to do for them. I finally came up with a plan that instead of having a big party, each child would get to choose three or four children and invite them to do something special on their special day.
My daughter is taking a few girls to lunch and Build A Bear, and my second son is taking a few friends to play miniature golf and have pizza.
I was so relieved at this plan until I realized that my oldest son will be having his Golden Birthday in November. Actually, I believe it's even one step up from golden since the year also matches his age. My friend, Sarah, said that makes it his Diamond Birthday, but I haven't been able to find anything on the Internet on the topic. (Anyone else have any opinion on what this is called?)
Anyway, now I am feeling we should do something extra special for his big day. Having a party at our home is NOT an option! Even if we had a small party, it would stress me out at 37 weeks pregnant to have a party at home.
He does love Egypt, so maybe something with a "golden treasure" theme. But where?
Ideas, anyone?
I really need your creative minds on this one! My brain is almost mush!
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Our sons share the day! He and my husband have been planning for a month already, hoping to do a father-son event. They've considered camping; KOA and some state campgrounds have cabins available for rent, if the weater is too cool to go tent-camping. Natural Bridge Caverns is not too far from us and that is in their consideration as well. Are there some attractions near you that your husband could take your son to? You could have a family party with cake and the works, so you'll get to celebrate with him. Sometimes birthdays don't have to be elaborate, chaotic affairs. As long as the birthday boy feels honored and special. I agree that 37 weeks pregnant is not the time for a houseful of rowdy boys! I barely had the energy at 37 weeks for one rowdy boy!
The Children's Museum in Indy has a King Tut exhibit. Not sure how long it will be here, but I've heard it's incredible. Not that you want to drive six 9-year-olds to Indianapolis, but, it's a thought!
Enchanted Castle? The one in Lombard is better than Naperville.
How did I miss this post?
I like Corrie's idea. Why not a special adventure with Dad? Or maybe with Mom. Something special and important.
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