Saturday, June 9, 2007

my planners

The 2010 everydayMOM planner is here!

How to order:

If you are local, for a limited time only (while supplies last) get your planner for only $15 (no tax or shipping if you live close enough I can hand deliver). Just e-mail me to let me know I should save you one!

If you live in the United States, you also can get in on the $15 special, but it will cost an extra $4 to mail. Just e-mail me. This option is checks only and features the new darker colors on the cover. Click here for a full preview of the inside pages!

If you live outside of the United States or would like to use a credit card, you can order directly from my online storefront. Click here. Two cover styles available, plus my everydayKIDS planner!

What's in the planner?

Calendar is a weekly spread.
Each day includes room to track all that a MOM does everyday.

  • remembers: Appointments, holidays, events
  • plans: Things to do
  • shines: Housecleaning chores
  • cooks: What’s for dinner
  • grows: Personal growth
At the back of the book, I have included my personal planning sheets, plus blank sheets for:
  • Meal planning
  • Grocery shopping
  • House cleaning
  • Ideas to add Moments of Meaning

What past customers are saying:

I love your planners. I have both the everyday MOM and Brain book. I actually panicked this morning because I could not find my planner. I did find it, thank goodness! I refer to the everydayMOM planner every morning to see if my children have hot lunch, sports or special things going on at school. I love my Brain book too. If I did not have it, I would have lots of little pieces of paper all over the place with peoples names on them. I can refer to my book to see who I need to call and keep track of my hostesses and potential recruits. Love it!! I also gave the everydayMom planner to my friend after she had her third child and she loves hers too. She told me the night I gave it to her she stayed up late filling in all her dates and info. I am so glad you have created these planners! Thank you! ~ Christy

I LOVE the inclusion of "coaching" topics for consultants to have on hand to review for themselves when they are starting out and then to use with their new recruits. ~ Traci

I am addicted to my planner. I have it out in plain view all day long and refer to it, write in it, and check things off my list all day, every day! I'm so glad I have one! ~ Michele

I really liked the idea of the tip sheets right inside your Brain Books... seems that to run a business successfully, the calendar is always there.. so why not have some inspiration every time you open it up! I also loved the inspirational messages at the top of each page. ~ Dawn

Here's my feedback after one full week of using the planner (sorry it's only one - I'm a newbie): I love that I can look over my week and easily see what I got done and what I have left to do. Very helpful! ~ Lara

I love your planner! I purchased one last year & didn’t really start using it til right after Convention when I found my motivation again!! I really like being able to see the whole month at a glance! I plan on doing more with my business in 2009 so will utilize the other pages more so next year – ie the recruiting pages & hostess pages. ~ Lauren

I HAVE YOUR EVERYDAYMOM PLANNER. I think it's great! I like the shopping list too! ~ Deanna

Love the section on "grows".... this is the first calendar in which I have EVER seen this incorporated... and it is so crucial to be intentional about our growth... otherwise life and the demands of it... will crowd that out quickly! ~ Ginger

I bought your Brain Book last year and your MOM calendar this year. I'm trying to "merge" them in my brain! I love the meal planner and shopping list blank pages ... and I really like it that you even gave us your list. I know, it's something that we should all just DO, because there are standard things that I buy and it sure is nice to have them on a list. I've even shown it to 2 of my non-DT friends and they think it's very cool. Nice colors too! ~ Kari

Finally, after years of searching. A planner that fits my life. Really. I love the design. ~ anonymous

To all everydayMom’s: As the everydayHusband I just want to take the opportunity along with all of you to talk about the success of this planner from someone that is on the receiving end of an organized home and the sharing of "Moments Of Meaning”. There are times like the present that work takes me out of the country not for a few days, but weeks at a time. I can tell you that it’s not easy leaving knowing the burden that is left on the everydayMom at home to get through the long list of daily tasks that are required of family. One thing that gives me a real peace of mind is knowing of Emily’s ability to keep on task in a God honoring away and meet the needs of our children while I’m away. I cannot tell you what a blessing this is to me! I would encourage each of you to continue to share your success with others and try to find someone this Christmas to pass this planner onto as a wonderful gift to them, but consider the blessing it could bring to their spouse and children by them having the means of organizing their home and making their day meaningful. ~ my husband, Kent =]


Preview or order my 2009 planners:


Brain Book weekly

Brain Book monthly

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