Sunday, November 2, 2008

Free planner contest, Day 2

I'm having WAY too much fun with my very first ever, one-of-a-kind, earth shattering, let's-go-crazy, free planner give-away contest! Be sure to check the previous post for the rules and then post a comment or send me an e-mail to enter!

Here are some of the great comments I've received so far. Of course, I've also got some really nice little notes from other people that have nothing to do with the planner. And that is wonderful, too. You HAVE been entered in the contest!

Here goes:

Comment/Idea... a page for important phone numbers that you always want with you.... dr., car repair, hair, etc...

Good suggestion! I meant to do that! Actually, I did give more space than in my first edition, but not enough!

Love the section on "grows".... this is the first calendar in which I have EVER seen this incorporated... and it is so crucial to be intentional about our growth... otherwise life and the demands of it... will crowd that out quickly!

Thank you! That was one of my main goals with the planner: to encourage moms (and other people) to take themselves seriously! Set goals. Plan to grow personally. Our kids have to do it in school, sports, etc., and we can too!

I'm telling (my husband) I want one for Christmas! I have really enjoyed reading your blog!

And thank you for reading! I'm always so excited when I get a comment from my best buddy from high school! Remember when we used to be Emilynn or was it Lymily? Maybe you'll win! I could rig the contest, but that just wouldn't be fair.

I bought your Brain Book last year and your MOM calendar this year. I'm trying to "merge" them in my brain! I love the meal planner and shopping list blank pages ... and I really like it that you even gave us your list. I know, it's something that we should all just DO, because there are standard things that I buy and it sure is nice to have them on a list. I've even shown it to 2 of my non-DT friends and they think it's very cool. Nice colors too!

Thank you! Do you think I should make the lists available as a download on Lulu? I've been thinking about it. That IS an option! I was thinking maybe $1 or something and you could download them. That would allow you to print as many copies as you want.

I love your planners. I have both the everyday MOM and Brain book. I actually panicked this morning because I could not find my planner. I did find it, thank goodness! I refer to the everydayMOM planner every morning to see if my children have hot lunch, sports or special things going on at school. I love my Brain book too. If I did not have it, I would have lots of little pieces of paper all over the place with peoples names on them. I can refer to my book to see who I need to call and keep track of my hostesses and potential recruits. Love it!! I also gave the everydayMom planner to my friend after she had her third child and she loves hers too. She told me the night I gave it to her she stayed up late filling in all her dates and info. I am so glad you have created these planners! Thank you!

You're the best! Great moms... I mean minds... think alike!

I have heard how your planner is awesome. I need something like that for next year, now and every year. (My friend) raves about it. And it keeps her nice and organized and accountable to everyday life stuff.

Yea!! Maybe you'll win!!

Finally, after years of searching. A planner that fits my life. Really. I love the design. I have a question, though. In my dream would, it would be a bit smaller like 6 by 9 and have a pocket. Then I realized its lulu...maybe you'd be willing to republish it in the smaller size? So, I'm writing to ask if you would.

I have had several requests for the smaller size, so I AM working on it! I'm just trying to figure out what I can condense to make it all fit on that smaller page. Not sure about a pocket. That will have to wait for another year. Thanks for the great suggestion!

If you post an anonymous comment, please make sure you also send me an e-mail so I can enter you in the drawing!

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