Friday, November 14, 2008

Good-bye, Halloween. Hello, Christmas.

It's mid-November, but the village of Bolingbrook is kicking off the Christmas season this weekend with the premiere of its Symphony in Lights.

But what about Thanksgiving? Does anyone else think we should stop and enjoy November before we rush fall out the door?

Thanksgiving seems to have gotten the brush off the last few years as we start earlier and earlier to enjoy December festivities. I understand the need to hang the holiday lights before it gets too cold outside to climb on the roof. But seriously, a few of the houses around town were flipping on their icicle lights before the kids could even finish trick-or-treating...

Read more on my blog in the local newspaper.

** Oh... and if you have a minute, leave me a comment over there. My blog is brand-new and we're trying to get people used to the idea of leaving a comment.

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1 comment:

  1. I'm probably posting this to the wrong blog, but this the first one I found that would let me reply.

    The one I wanted to respond to was where you were going to get fired. Don't let your Boss that. Hang in there and see what havoc you can create. We all are waiting breathlessly to see the outcome.



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