Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I'm thankful for...

Click the play button for a Thanksgiving greeting...

What are YOU thankful for this year? We would love to hear from you!!

Wishing you all the best on this day to give thanks! Happy Thanksgiving!!

(If you don't have a Google account but you want to leave us a message, just click "comments" and then select "Anonymous"!)


  1. I'm so thankful for my family, for the love they share, for my beautiful grandchildren for their unconditional love, their hugs and kisses are the best, for our Lord and Savior and His care for each of us where ever we may be and for our health and safety.

    May our hearts be filled with the love of Christ and our love for one another, though we may be separated by miles. I carry the love of family in my heart whereever I go. Have a Happy Thanksgiving. From A Very Blessed Grannie.

  2. I am thankful for my little family, my HUGE extended family, for old friends, new friends and old friends who are new again! Happy Thanksgiving to all!

  3. Aunt Lori is VERY thankful for her handsome nephews Andrew, Matthew and Carson and beautiful nieces Alayna and Megan (and their parents are ok, too). Andrea, Nicholas and I all wish we were together, and together with you, but you are all in our hearts and prayers. XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO

  4. Your kids are blessed to have you as a mom, Emily. Cherish every moment.
    AuNtie Nette


Dear Bloggy People,

You make me so happy when you comment. I love talking to myself, but I get an even bigger kick when the computer talks back!
If you don't have a blogger account, just click Anonymous and you can still post what you want to say. No fair making up names of other people, though.
I usually reply to comments here on my blog. Please click the little box that says "e-mail follow-up comments" if you would like to receive these in your inbox.