Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas!

We hope this greeting finds you well! Our Christmas “card” is a web site, with lots of pictures and news.

Please click here to get caught up on our family highlights from 2008.

We would love to hear from you! If you are here for the first time and you would like to leave a comment, just click "comment" and select "anonymous". If you are looking for the most recent entry in my blog, click here.

Wishing you all the best for a blessed Christmas and Happy New Year!

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Dear Bloggy People,

You make me so happy when you comment. I love talking to myself, but I get an even bigger kick when the computer talks back!
If you don't have a blogger account, just click Anonymous and you can still post what you want to say. No fair making up names of other people, though.
I usually reply to comments here on my blog. Please click the little box that says "e-mail follow-up comments" if you would like to receive these in your inbox.