Saturday, January 31, 2009

how is your lego looking?

I love learning about what makes people tick.

To kick off a women's Bible study that I'm in, I asked the women to tell the group their love language, temperament and birth order. If you haven't ever studied these different elements that can affect how people relate to each other, it's fascinating.

I think the ladies thought I was a little crazy at first, but it turned out to be really fun to find out who was the oldest of five or the only child until her mom had another when she was 7. It was cool to learn who loves words of affirmation, versus quality time; who was a laid-back creative type, versus an out-going leader.

But the next day, I learned about another defining quality that I had not previously thought about. How big is your LEGO?

It was actually my pastor who gave me the LEGO theory.

You see, we are all like a piece of LEGO. Think about all of the little nubs, or bumps or whatever you call the part of the LEGO that sticks up on the top.

Those are how the LEGO pieces connect to other pieces of LEGO. And that's kind of how people are. Some people have a big LEGO. Others have a small piece.

I think my LEGO is one of the big long pieces that you would use to build the base of a building or the roof. I have tons of those little nubs, because I want to connect with tons of people. The more the better. Bring 'em on.

If I meet someone new, I want to get to know her. If I'm in a group, I ask people obnoxious questions like, "So, what's your love language? Are you a first born? What's your hobby?" I just want to learn more about them and make connections. This can be a little much for some people, so I do my best to make my interrogations non-threatening.

And, oh, my... If someone goes out of her way to connect with me, I am the happiest girl in the world. Ask me a question. Invite me to coffee. I just want to connect!

But my pastor filled me in on the truth of the matter. A lot of people have a small piece of LEGO. Or (gasp!, sigh!) their LEGO is already full!

I've been feeling like a big LEGO in a world of full LEGOs lately and it was kind of bumming me out. But his explanation helped me understand.

If only people would post a little sign on their shirts. "Sorry, my LEGO is full." Or, "Three connections available."

Of course, the big LEGO people like me would be jumping all over the poor people advertising an open spot on their LEGO.

I've also noticed though, that what I love most is to have a couple of people in my life who just plant themselves over about 10 of the connectors on my LEGO. I love it when I just naturally connect with someone. You can give her a call to laugh, cry or just talk about the most mundane events of the day. One great girlfriend is better than 10 casual acquaintances, in my book.

Well, I'm learning to control my urge to try to plant my big honkin' piece of LEGO right on top of every other LEGO that comes my way. But if I'm blessed enough to make a new connection, that's a happy day for me.

And if this idea is too much for you, then maybe your Play-Doh is dried out. Or perhaps one of the rings on your Spirograph is broken. We'll have more on that next week. =]


  1. Hey Emily! I so love your LEGO idea... I too have been feeling like everyone's lego has been full lately... figure it's part of the winter blahs... thankfully winter is almost over! Have you noticed it's light out earlier (8:30am at my house & light out later til like 6:30ish (CST))It is hard to find & keep in touch with that one friend who gets you tho...
    Anyway, guess it's all part of life & what makes the world go round...
    Enjoy your weekend!

  2. I was thinking after I hit 'publish my comment' that I kinda jumped all over the place with my babbling... so here are more thoughts to either clear things up or confuse you more :)
    With the lego idea, I'm curious why some people can only have one piece of lego at a time; why they can't share with others... it's always made me curious... I like to have lots of lego pieces to share with altho I wouldn't mind having a piece or 2 to share everything with... I do have my husband who does get most of it but really, he's a guy so he can't understand all of me... it's likely better that he doesn't...
    I do think that people tend to stay inside where it's warm in the winter & without really realizing it, they are sacrificing lego connections... but Spring tends to make people snap out of the winter blahs & get back to their 'normal'... at least that's what I'm holding on to today!
    that should be enough babbling for now...
    oh yeah, just in case you were curious, I am a first born & I like to think I am a creative laid back person with leadership potential! I also have purple clouds in my little world... but that's a whole other story...

  3. Thanks, Laurel! You just made my day by telling me your birth order, temperament, etc.... I love getting to know stuff like that about people!

    I like your insight about the winter, and I think you're so right. Maybe our Lego just shrinks up when it's cold. haha.

    I also forgot to make a point with my rambling... I was trying to say that some people are just giving all they can give. So, when one more person starts seeking friendship, it can feel like they are being sucked dry! It's good to recognize that person is just full. Maybe I can do something nice for that person to give her a break... watch her kids or something... no strings attached.

    But there are tons of other people with open spots on their Lego. Even lots of people who NEED a new connection. This analogy just helped me realize I should be focusing more on them!

    Hope this makes sense.

  4. It totally makes sense Emily! I understand it too!

  5. I'm a long lego, too. I think I used to be the big green "grass" piece...before I had 5 children. So for now, I'll be a long, yellow strip.


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