Monday, January 19, 2009

wild and crazy new me!

I get bored easily.

I like to rearrange the furniture. I love to paint the walls. I love to transform my wardrobe.

So, I was getting bored with the old everydayMOM. I enjoy the challenge of trying to figure out how techie things work, but I didn't really have confidence that I could transform my blog into something quite as wild and crazy as what you see today. And if I'm going to redecorate, I like to make a statement!

Then, yesterday, I stumbled upon a blog that had the cutest backgrounds for free! Then, I bumped into this woman who gives the nicest little tutorials on how to redesign your blog. She gave a link to this guy, who gives every tip and trick you can think of to format your blog.

I started messing around. Then, I started having fun. Then, I got obsessed.

And here it is. (If you aren't seeing my flowery, green background, by the way, then let me know! I know it doesn't show up on the iTouch or Blackberry.)

I still have a lot of little tweaks and additions that will be coming soon. But, I seriously need to give my kids breakfast, so this will have to work for now!

If you hate it, don't worry. This will most definitely be only one in a series of redesign efforts here at my blog. Because changing it up is half the fun.

And I'm sure I'll be getting bored soon!

Well... I got bored sooner than I thought! The redesign only lasted one week and then I did another redesign, which is what you see now!


  1. Cute! I LOVE it!!


  2. I love it. course I loved the old look too. And please keep us posted if you do find that camera!

  3. I think someone is suffering from Cabin fever.

  4. Thanks for the comments!

    Amy- I think the camera is gone forever. It's so sad. I guess I should focus on picking out a new camera!

    Wily- Cabin fever is an understatement! I definitely don't think I would have gone with such a crazy design if we hadn't been covered in snow for weeks on end. But even the husband was complaining that the old look was getting boring. I hope the flowers won't drive you away. =]

  5. I think it is lovely! Glad to know the tutorials were of some help. :D

  6. Oh WOW! Now I see it all! The first time that wild and crazy background didn't load, but now.... Oh WOW! You have become ME!

  7. Amy, OH... that's funny! I was afraid that might happen! Yes... it's SO YOU!


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