Thursday, March 19, 2009

LOST: Namaste

I like to focus my LOST posts on taking the episode and trying to develop any theories based on the latest information. So, even though last night's episode was kind of a break from the usual whirlwind of activity we have seen this season, I think it provided some great clues into the overall LOST story.

The most significant piece of information we gained was that Ben Linus did, in fact, meet the O6ers when he was a boy. Could this explain "the list" that was a central point in the early episodes?

Let's say that the Losties cause something significant to happen and then leave the island. Ben Linus follows their parallel lives back home and then works to bring them back to the island.

We might even have two competing forces at work. We know that Matthew, Charles Widmore's hit man, is the one who said he got John Locke to get on the Oceanic flight.

Perhaps Ben Linus had another set of people working for him to get Jack, Kate, Hurley and Sayid on board the original flight. Ben had to bring them all back for some reason. Just as they all had to come back the second time for some unknown reason.

The next big question is why Sun was not transported back in time like the other people on the flight. I will go back to my previous theory that Sun is the baby we saw in the crib of Dr. Pierre Chang. Even though Sun wasn't born yet in 1977 where the other Losties are taken, perhaps she still couldn't go back to that place because she might bump into herself in a few years. This theory needs a ton of development, but I can't come up with any other answers.

Oh, but wait! I just came up with one!

LOST uses so many Biblical and religious references. When the O6ers are time-warped from the plane, it reminded me of the end-time prophecy in the Bible where the true believers will be suddenly removed from the earth and taken to heaven.

So, could it be that Sun wasn't a true believer? Perhaps she came back for the wrong reason? Maybe she wasn't destined to be on Ben's later list and so she wasn't taken??

Whatever the case, it's going to be very interesting to find out how she gets back in time to meet up with Jin and the other O6ers.

Finally, we have the question of Christian Shephard.

Is he alive, like John Locke? Is he a spirit? Why is he there when everyone else is gone? And how creepy when he showed Sun the picture of the Dharma recruits from 1977! Good thing, Jack, Kate and Hurley never stumbled upon that picture!

What an eery scene when Sun and Frank walked into the Dharma camp and started hearing the voices. I thought this was another confirmation of the early theories that the voices are the people who are occupying that same space in different times.

Another big question that was created last night is what happened to Daniel Faraday. When asked about his whereabouts, Sawyer seemed very mysterious when he told Jack that he had been with them but was now gone. Where did he go?? Could it be that he already figured out how to go back in time?

Other great moments from last night:

  • We found out that Amy's son was Ethan! Wow! What a creepy moment that was!
  • I loved it when Sun whacked Ben with that oar. Man. She is really getting fierce, huh?
  • We got to see exactly how the flight was able to land. That was cool.
  • I supposed I should at least mention the reunion between Sawyer and Kate and the tension between Juliet and Kate. Whatever. That whole love quadrangle isn't that intriguing to me. I would rather see someone get chased by the Smoke Monster, discover a new Dharma station or beat up Ben.

Best lines:

  • When Hurley said, "I vote for not camping."
  • When Jack was inducted as a "work man" and told "based on your aptitude tests, you'll be doing janitorial work."

So, what did you think about last night's episode?? Any interesting theories or favorite moments??


  1. I like Frank...glad we are seeing more of him.

    Where are the other losties who weren't on the freighter? Rose, Bernard, etc.?

    Love the "whispers"'s a good one!

  2. Good stuff, Emily!
    I first of all want to point out something I noticed. We don't actually know if Sun, Ben, Frank, et al are at a different point in time. They are on a different island...However I think they probably are at a different point in time than the rest because at the beginning of season 3 when Sawyer and Kate are put to work breaking & moving rocks, it's to build a runway right? So I probably just shot my own theory out of the water.
    I wouldn't be surprised if Faraday is traveling through time. Remember we did see that clip of him in the Dharma station in the 70s time, looking like he was up to something, hanging out by the power source...hmm.
    I knew that they would run into young Ben - I love your theory about him composing the list based on that. And I like your theory about Sun not being a true believer - we all know she came back for Jin. However, Kate came back for Sawyer, right?
    Back to the time thing - I don't ever remember seeing the building that Christian is in and I am wondering if they are closer to 1977 than we think. It looks like there was obviously some chaos in that particular cabin and when we see the Others at the beginning of season 3 living there, the place is pretty squeaky clean...

  3. Good points...the time travel paradox hurts my brain too much to think about it though...really. I am thinking that Sun et all are way ahead in time past 2009...

    Sometimes weird song tunes pop into my head...remember the country song "Mama's don't let your babies grow up to be Cowboys" ? When I saw that was baby Ethan I sang, "Mama, don't let your babies grow up to be Others." I guess if one sings quickly it can be "mama's don't let your babies grow up to be tall creepy men who lurk in island jungles...

  4. Sorry that I'm just getting around to leaving a comment - busy week!

    Frank: love him! he's my new hero!

    Sun: yes, she's fierce and I'm glad she whacked Ben with the oar. But Christian said she has a long journey ahead of her. I think that journey is not just about time travel, but also about personal development. I think she has to go through a tough experience (or more than one!) to be worthy of being reunited with the rest of our Losties.

    That's my theory, anyway! Even though this was a "filler" episode, I loved it. I love it all!

  5. Okay, so now we can definitely be friends--since we both watch LOST.

    I had thought Sun might have been that baby we saw, but I totally forgot about that when trying to figure out why she didn't go to the same time as everyone else. Good thought!

    And I, too, loved it when she thwacked Ben with that oar. I would like someone to whack Kate with an oar, too. I do kind of feel invested in that love quadrangle, even though it irritates me. I really don't want her to mess up the Juliette and Sawyer thing--she had her chance and she's been playing those two guys for years!

    As for the list--I thought that might have been compiled in part when they were checking in to the Dharma Initiative in the first place.

  6. No big theories...I just want to know for sure: is Ben a good guy or a bad guy? I keep changing my mind on this one.

    (Though, I suppose he has to be a bad guy because of what happened to Locke, right?)

    Maybe we'll get more answers tonight! (Or, I should say, tomorrow...when I actually watch it!)


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