Thursday, May 7, 2009

you lost me...

About halfway through last night's episode of LOST, my husband asked me, "What do you think?!?!"

Think? I replied.

Umm. I really am past that at this point. This is pure entertainment now. I can't even begin to comprehend what is happening.

Let's face it. This is television. I'm just going to sit here and be entertained.

And that's pretty much my review of last night's LOST: Follow the Leader.

I would like to point out that I think I was right about Eloise taking Daniel's journal. It does seem that she is going to use it to predict the future, understand time travel and influence her son's life.

  • But that deal with John Locke taking Richard to the exact spot where Richard has to go to help Locke with the bullet in his leg?!?
  • And Locke saying the island "told him" to go?!?
  • And now Sawyer and Juliet are on the submarine leaving the island?!?
  • And Jack is down in some elaborate tunnel with the bomb, which he thinks he is somehow going to use to blow up the power source and prevent Oceanic 815 from ever crashing?!?
  • And trying to keep track of Richard in two different time zones, 30 years apart, looking exactly the same?!?


And then the thought that if Jack IS able to change the past, it would keep the plane from crashing and prevent everyone who died from dying... and the Oceanic passengers would get off the plane never having met each other? Wow! That is so hard to comprehend.

I'm still trying to decide if I would like that ending or if it would just seem so pointless to have devoted all of this time to watching. Hmmm. What do you think?

Oh, and one more thing. I'm actually feeling a little bit relieved that next week is the season finale. I'm just not sure my mind can handle much more. What about you?


  1. You sound really disappointed. We haven't started watching yet. On May 23, The Fat Cyclist ( is sponsoring an "organized" ride to nowhere. Mike and I are riding the trainers 50 miles (Mike 100) so we wanted something good to put on the TV. We're watching it then.

  2. I am so with you. I loved the ep---but actually stopped trying to think about LOST a few weeks ago. I'm just not that smart. :-)

    I loved the lines with Hurley and Mile's dad.

    But Locke telling Ben that he (L) was going to kill Jacob??? What the HECK was that?????

  3. yeah, I have my theories, but they could be totally blown tomorrow.

    I think Locke isn't locke, I think he's inhabited by the monster, hence the new purpose and sinister looks.

  4. I mean... they could be blown next week. :)

  5. That's how I feel too... now, along with just being along for the ride, I'm kind of also just along to see whether they can tie everything together at the end satisfactorily. :P

    I feel like the fact that Locke orchestrated his own run-in with Richard during the flashes *has* to mean he's being controlled by the smoke monster... The whole island talking to people thing has never been carried this far and seems really weak otherwise.

    And I half wished Sawyer and Juliet had gotten away on the sub... I liked the idea of them living in the 70s and buying Microsoft together. ;) But then Kate dropped in, and the preview showed them all on the island still so I'm guessing they take a detour before ending up too far.

    Counting down until the finale! And yeah, relieved that next season will be the last...


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