Thursday, July 22, 2010

Lego organization project

The kids and I have spent this entire week doing a "clean sweep" of our house. So far, we have cleaned out the garage and a big part of the basement. We still have A LOT left to do.

One of our big projects in the basement was organizing the boys' Lego collection.

They had started using their old train table to build their creations. But it didn't take long to fill up the table.

Their other projects were spread throughout the house in various parts and pieces.

For a quick fix that would cost zero dollars, I remembered I had these shelves in my office. I used to take them to display my Discovery Toys at trade shows.

But we needed a way to keep the small parts from falling through the holes. Let's see? Where could we get some big pieces of construction paper? The Lego boxes!

After I cut the boxes to the right size, they were nice and sturdy and stayed in place on their own. Then, we cleaned off the table and placed their finished creations on the shelves.

We put all the leftover parts and pieces together in a clear bin on one of the shelves.

Clearly, the Lego people were MUCH happier!

Now the boys have a lot more room to play!

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  1. I like happy lego people. And somehow happy lego people make happy mommies!

  2. Such great timing! Legos are about to take over this house and I've been looking for some way to store my son's creations! GREAT IDEAS!!

  3. I like things to be always organize and I think you make it perfect. Job well done. Congratz!

  4. Great idea and organization! I took a 3 ring binder with page protectors and put the lego instructions in it. Then we used the drawer units like screws would be stored in and sorted all the pieces into them. I had a small tiered shelf that they would put the creations on. It was easy and they kept it organized.

  5. Thanks for the great post! I too struggle with this. I just did a blog post all about LEGO storage & organization & I linked your post in it! Thanks again!

  6. I found you whilst looking for ways to curb the lego insanity in our place. Love your cockpit mural!

    cherill w
    Adelaide, South Australia

  7. Love this! Pinning on Pinterest too. Thanks!

  8. Great solution! My Lego fiends are driving me mad. Our train table looks like your before picture...

  9. Wow! How nice sharing! I like it personally. i think its also helpful to us. Thanks for your sharing. For more info lego storage boxes amazon .


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