Wednesday, April 15, 2009

LOST: Some Like It Hoth

How cool was that to get a completely Miles-centric episode? Miles has really been growing on me this season and I've been intrigued to find out more about his past. We got so many little nuggets in this episode of LOST.

OK, we knew that baby of Pierre Chang's had some significance in the storyline. I was still hanging on to my belief it was Sun, but whoever predicted it was Miles gets some major kudos.

One of the most amazing points to the show for me was that we found out you can interact with yourself when you time travel without spontaneously combusting. Plus, so much more:

  • We got to see that the guy who grabbed Miles off the street is Bram, same passenger who turns up on the island with Ilana in last week's episode.
  • Bram uses the same question, "Do you know what lies in the shadow of the statue?" to try to determine Miles' depth of knowledge about the island.
  • We found out why Miles tried to bribe Ben last season for $3.2 million. Remember how Ben made fun of Miles for choosing such an odd sum of money?
  • We got to see how he was recruited by Naomi to go to the island.
  • We heard more about how Widmore created the fake remains of the original Oceanic flight.
  • And then in the biggest smack to the head, we see Daniel Farraday coming out of the submarine. And, no, it's not a Daniel of the past, it's a current day Daniel who knows Miles.

So, do you think Dr. Pierre Chang shared Miles' ability to communicate with the dead and that is how Miles turned out the way he did? When Miles was asked to deliver a dead body to Chang, I was thinking that perhaps that was done so Pierre could find out how the dead man died.

Thank you to the writers for giving us a big dose of comic relief through Hurley this episode. He was able to psychoanalyze Miles' father relations, explain his own unique ability to communicate with the dead, witness the branding of his numbers on the hatch and even write the script to The Empire Strikes Back. What more could you ask for out of Hurley in a mere one-hour show?

He had so many classic Hurley lines that I can't even decide which one is best. But, "Ewoks, suck, Dude" had to be right up there.

And what did you think about the interaction between Roger Linus and Kate? It's kind of weird how Kate and Jack have gone from being the stars of the show to these annoying background characters. If their acting wasn't so bad, I think I would feel sorry for them.

Finally, I was happy for Miles that he did get to see that his father loved him in the end. I was suspicious of his mom's story about his dad leaving them. I hope we get to find out what really happened.

What did you think? Can't wait to hear your thoughts.


  1. Hey! thanks for popping over in my world.

    I agree that I am not so sure that Miles' dad kicked them out...hmmmmm.

    I do think that Bram is def connected to Ben somehow.....I also think that Ben is so deceiving that he def. could have faked not knowing what Miles was referring to about the 3.2 million.

    You bring up some really good points with your recap, love it!

    Make sure you leave your link in my Mr Linky.....I know others will love to hear what you have to say....


  2. Great points about interacting with yourself while time traveling, and the possibility that Pierre can also talk to the dead! Also, about Kate & Jack not being focal points any more... it's definitely a little odd to me too.

    I *loved* Hurley in this episode... so funny and endearing and perceptive!

    My biggest questions were definitely... if Ilana isn't working for Widmore (per what Bram said, that was the vibe I got), who the heck is she working for? Also, what will Sawyer do with that guy to keep him from spilling the beans about the fate of young Ben? That whole thing made me nervous...

  3. Does it bother anyone else that Dr. Chang's first name is Pierre? It just seems odd for it to be French, particularly since we know there is a "french connection" with Danielle and the team of scientists on her boat that wrecked on the island.

    I'm inclined to think Miles and his mom were sent away from the island for their own safety, though why she should be so bitter because of it, I don't know.

    Sweet, funny episode.

  4. I gotta disagree with Michelle - I don't think Bram works for Ben. I think the "Shadow of the Statue" people are either the original inhabitants of the island or their decendants. they could be the originals if they (like Richard alpert, who I think is one of them) don't age.

    You can read about my theories on my blog:

    Good point about Pierre possibly finding out how the guy died by talking to him - I hadn't thought of that.

  5. I just re-read my own link to Bram on Wikipedia and realized it said that Bram was in opposition to Widmore. When I first read that I thought it said he was working for Widmore.

    Interesting. I don't know WHO he is working for then. Could it be Eloise Hawking?


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