At that time, the idea of home schooling was the one thing I hoped I wouldn't ever have to do. "But if I ever DID home school, " I would say, "I would use all of the money that we would have spent on private school tuition and travel around the country doing school."
The kids were getting older, and they are good travelers. I imagined us living in a cabin in the Great Smoky Mountains in the fall. In February, we would find a place on the beach in Florida. And spring would be a perfect time to see the Grand Canyon.
What better way to study geography than to see it all first hand?
Shortly after we made the difficult decision to do school at home, I also found out I was pregnant. And I resigned myself to the reality we would be doing home school... at home.
Then, a few months ago, a friend offered to let us use her rental home in Florida at an incredibly generous price. Once again, my mind started racing with the possibility that we really could take our schooling on the road. The house had high-speed internet access so my husband could work from there almost as easily as he could work from our home.
We started making plans to pack up our school work and my husband's work and take it on the road. We plotted out a four-day drive across the country with stops at several major cities along the way.
But what happened next? Coming soon...

Agh! Leave us hanging!
It really does sound idyllic though. Mornings doing school while Dad works nearby, then afternoons at the beach or some other sunny spot. Hope the reality is turning out as good as it sounds!
Sorry to leave you hanging! The story was just too long for one post... more to come!
I have had those same kinds of imaginings. I hope some of those dreams come true!
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