He especially loved the scenario painted by his friend, Wily Hacker, who insinuated that everydayHusband actually used some sort of mind-melding reverse psychology to influence me to wear the boots. Given my independence and self sufficiency, this act then forced me to hold tight onto my husband's arm while I walked along the streets of Chicago.
Well, today another pair of knee-high boots showed up at our home. I think everydayHusband is competing with me to gain some attention for HIS boots.
Here they are:
Of course, his are PERFECT for walking around in any type of winter conditions. In fact, they served him quite well today during several hours he spent in the 18-degree weather hanging Christmas lights on the outside of our house.
I have never been a big proponent of outdoor Christmas lights and, therefore, we have never had any. I might not be practical about shoes, but home decor is another matter. And I know for a fact that what goes up, must come down. I also know that I can be a HUGE procrastinator when it comes to putting things away. I guess I need to create a new section in my planner for taking down Christmas decor.
Anyway, everydayHusband has decided that our children love outdoor Christmas lights so much that we were depriving them of the joy of childhood by not having any on our house. So, he spent the afternoon climbing a ladder hanging lights.
Please understand that it was not just cold today. Not just a little bitter. Frigid isn't even a good word. We are talking: Your nose will freeze solid within minutes and it will snap right off kind of freezing-ba-geezing cold!
For this amazing act of kindness, I hearby nominate everydayHusband, Husband of the Year.
Would you please vote for him? I'm sure you all have some amazing husbands, too. But could you just help me out here and cast your vote?
If the Christmas light story isn't enough... On Friday night when I helped organize the women's Christmas party, he came early and stood out in the death-threatening, arctic-like temps that also included an eye-numbing wind and showed the ladies where to park. THEN, he came back at the end of the night and helped all of the women load all of that blue and white decor BACK in their cars.
The women were all swooning over the kindness of that masked man out in the parking lot, with only his eyes showing through his multiple layers of ski masks. (That's why I called the wind EYE numbing.)
And he did all of this BEFORE he bought the boots.
So, if you STILL don't think he's Husband of the Year material, can you at least help me in MY attempt to get back at him for the covert psychological methods he used to force me to wear those high-heeled boots? There's a really cute pair of furry boots I've been eyeing and I'm hoping to get them for Christmas this year! (Size 8, please.) I think it's obvious that I could use them!
He gets my vote! Whatta guy, that everyday husband!
I'll give him 10 votes! Now he's up to 11... I think he should throw in a really cute scarf, too!
Ooooo! I LOVE the scarf idea! Maybe a really fuzzy scarf that look homemade!
If mom's reading this then maybe you'll get the boots from EverydayHusband and the scarf from EverydayGrandma! Love ya, Amy
Kent for President! The guy with 3 first names!
Amy: Too bad mom DOESN'T read this! That's a brilliant idea! Maybe you could send her the link! Then, I could start casually mentioning all sorts of items I want for Christmas... roller pens, Sharpies in every color, jewelry...
Oh my... the readers who don't really know me are going to think I'm completely materialistic!
I like your wish list. I hinted to WilyHacker that fun colored highlighters make good stocking stuffers (of course I only want them because of the everydayMom planner that I have, but still).
Colored highlighters! That's a good one, too!! EverydayHusband doesn't quite get that just because I already have some gel writers, Sharpies, Crayola markers, etc., that there is ALWAYS room for more! (That... and purses.) =]
Bottom line; Males focus on comfort and function and the women don't mind our look. Women are all about fashion....and the Males love it.
Well... everydayhusband wrote that last comment... he was using my laptop. =]
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